Books and Special Issues
Lancee, B. (ed.) (2021). Ethnic discrimination in hiring: Comparing groups across contexts. Results from a cross-national field experiment. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(6). pdf
Koopmans, R., Lancee, B. and Schaeffer, M.(eds.) (2015). Social Cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America. Mechanisms, Conditions and Causality. New York /London: Routledge. order
Lancee, B. (2012). Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market: Bonding and Bridging Social Capital. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Book info pdf
Journal Articles
43) Soiné, H. and B. Lancee (2025). Diverging ethnic hierarchies? Cultural distance, right-wing authoritarianism, and social distance perceptions in the Netherlands. Journal of International Migration and Integration. Data
42) Sachs, T, Homan, A.C. and Lancee, B. (2024). Impression formation of majority and minority applicants during resume screening—Does processing more information reduce prejudice? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, DOI: pdf
41) Janietz, C., Bol, T. and Lancee, B. (2023). Temporary employment and wage inequality over the life course. European Sociological Review, pdf
40) Polavieja, J., Lancee, B., Ramos, M., Veit, S. and Yemane, R. (2023). In your face: a comparative field experiment on racial discrimination in Europe. Socio-Economic Review , 21(3), 1551-1578. pdf
39) Birkelund, G., Lancee, B., Larsen, E. Polavieja, J, Radl, J. and Yemane, R. (2022). Gender discrimination in hiring. Evidence from a cross-national harmonized field experiment. European Sociological Review, 38(3),337–354 . pdf
38) Rözer, J., Lancee, B. & Völker, B. (2022). Keeping up or giving up? Income inequality and materialism in Europe and the United States. Social Indicators Research, 159, 647-666. pdf
37) Kuhn, T., Lancee, B. and Sarrasin, O. (2021). Growing up as a European? Parental socialization and the educational divide in euroskepticism. Political Psychology, 42(6), 957-975. pdf
36) Lancee, B. (2021). Ethnic discrimination in hiring: Comparing groups across contexts. Results from a cross-national field experiment. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(6), 1181-1200. pdf
35) Di Stasio, V., Lancee, B., Veit, S., and Yemane R. (2021). Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(6), 1305-1326. pdf
34) Thijssen, L, Lancee, B., Veit, S., and Yemane R. (2021). Discrimination against Turkish minorities in Germany and the Netherlands: Field experimental evidence on the effect of diagnostic information on labour market outcomes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47(6), 1222-1239. pdf
33) Huijsmans, T., Harteveld, E., Van der Brug, W. and Lancee, B. (2021). Are cities ever more cosmopolitan? Studying trends in urban-rural divergence of cultural attitudes. Political Geography, 86, 102353. pdf
32) Lössbroek, J., Lancee, B., Van der Lippe, T. and Schippers, J. (2021). Age discrimination in hiring decisions: A factorial survey among managers in nine European countries. European Sociological Review, 37(1), 49-66. pdf
31) Tulin, M., Völker, B. and Lancee, B. (2021). The same place but different: How neighborhood context differentially affects homogeneity in networks of different social groups. Journal of Urban Affairs, 43(1), 57-76. pdf
30) Thijssen, L., Coenders, M., and Lancee, B. (2021). Is there evidence for statistical discrimination against ethnic minorities in hiring? Evidence from a cross-national field experiment. Social Science Research, 93, 102482. pdf
29) Thijssen, L., Coenders, M., and Lancee, B. (2021). Ethnic discrimination in the Dutch labor market: Differences between ethnic minority groups and the role of personal information about job applicants Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 1125-1150. pdf
28) Di Stasio, V., and Lancee, B. (2020). Understanding why employers discriminate, where and against whom: The potential of cross-national, factorial and multi-group field experiments. Research in Stratification and Mobility, 65, 100463. pdf
27) Thijssen, L., Coenders, M., & Lancee, B. (2019). Etnische discriminatie op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt: Verschillen tussen etnische groepen en de rol van beschikbare informatie over sollicitanten. Mens & Maatschappij, 94(2), 141-176.pdf
26) Lössbroek, J., Lancee, B., Van der Lippe, T. and Schippers, J. (2019). Understanding old-age adaptation policies in Europe. The influence of profit, principles and pressures. Ageing & Society, 39(5), 924-950. pdf
25) Tulin, M., Lancee, B. and Völker, B. (2018). Personality and social capital. Social Psychology Quarterly,81(4) 295–318. pdf
24) Dicks, A. and Lancee, B. (2018). Double disadvantage in school? Children of immigrants and the relative age effect: A regression discontinuity design based on the month of birth. European Sociological Review, 34(3), 319-333. pdf
23) Heisig, J.P., Lancee, B. and Radl, J.(2018). Ethnic inequality in retirement income. A comparative analysis of immigrant-native gaps in Western Europe. Ageing & Society, 38(10), 1963-1994. pdf Friends of the WZB Award
22) Lancee, B. and Bol, T.(2017). The transferability of skills and degrees. Why the place of education affects immigrant earnings. Social Forces, 96(2), 691-716. pdf
21) Ten Berge, J., Lancee, B. and Jaspers, E. (2017). Can interethnic friends buffer the prejudice increasing effect of negative interethnic contact? A longitudinal study of adolescents in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 33(3),423-435. pdf
20) Lancee, B. (2016). The negative side effects of vocational education. A cross-national analysis of the relative unemployment risk of young non-western immigrants in Europe. American Behavorial Scientist, 60(5-6), 659-679. pdf
19) Lancee, B. (2016). Job search methods and immigrant earnings. A Longitudinal analysis of the role of bridging social capital. Ethnicities, 16(3), 349-367. pdf
18) Lancee, B. and Sarrasin, O. (2015). Educated preferences or selection effects? A longitudinal analysis of the impact of educational attainment on attitudes towards immigrants. European Sociological Review, 31(4), 490-501. pdf popdigest
17) Notten, N., Lancee, B., Van de Werfhorst, H.G.and Ganzeboom, H. (2015). Educational stratification in cultural participation: Cognitive competence or status motivation? Journal of Cultural Economics, 39(2), 177-203. pdf
16) Lancee, B. and Radl, J.(2014). Volunteering over the life course. Social Forces, 93(2), 833-862. pdf
15) Lancee, B. and Seibel, V.(2014). Does rural origin affect immigrants’ contact with natives? A study of Turks in six European countries. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(9), 1331-1353. pdf
14) Pardos-Prado, S., Lancee, B. and Sagarzazu, I. (2014). Immigration and electoral change in mainstream political space. Political Behavior, 36(4), 847-875. pdf
13) Bol, T., Lancee, B. and Steijn, S. (2014). Income inequality and gambling. A panel study in the United States (1980-1997). Sociological Spectrum, 34(1), 61-75. article
12) Lancee, B. and Pardos-Prado, S.(2013). Group conflict theory in a longitudinal perspective: Analyzing the dynamic side of ethnic competition. International Migration Review, 47(1), 106-131. pdf
11) De Vries, C., Hakhverdian, A. and Lancee, B. (2013). The dynamics of voters’ left/right identification: The role of economic and cultural attitudes. Political Science Research and Methods, 1(2), 223-238. pdf
10) Dewilde, C. and Lancee, B. (2013). Income inequality and access to housing in Europe. European Sociological Review, 29(6), 1189-1200. pdf
9) Lancee, B. and Radl, J.(2012). Social connectedness and the transition from work to retirement. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 67(4), 481-490 pdf
8) Lancee, B. and Van de Werfhorst, H.G.(2012). Income inequality and participation. A comparison of 24 European countries. Social Science Research, 41(5), 1166-1178. pdf
7) Lancee, B. (2012). The economic returns of bonding and bridging social capital for immigrant men in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 35(4), 664-683. pdf
6) Lancee, B. and Hartung, A. (2012). Turkish migrants and native Germans compared. The effect of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic friendships on the transition from unemployment to work. International Migration, 50(1), 39-54. pdf
5) Lancee, B. and Dronkers, J. (2011). Ethnic, religious and economic diversity in Dutch neighbourhoods: explaining quality of contact with neighbours, trust in the neighbourhood and inter-ethnic trust. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 37(4), 597-618. pdf
4) Lancee, B. (2010). The economic returns of immigrants’ bonding and bridging social capital. The case of the Netherlands. International Migration Review, 44(1), 202-226. pdf
3) Lancee, B. and Ter Hoeven, C. (2010). Self-rated health and sickness-related absence: the modifying role of civic participation. Social Science & Medicine, 70(4), 570-574. article
2) Lancee, B. and Dronkers, J. (2008). Etnische diversiteit, sociaal vertrouwen in de buurt en contact van allochtonen en autochtonen met de buren. [Ethnic diversity, social trust in the neighbourhood and contact of migrants and natives with neighbours.] Migrantenstudies, 24 (4), 224-249. pdf
1) Lancee, B. and Den Hond, F. (2002). Roltypen op het moment van de waarheid. Een onderzoek naar de rolvervulling van contactmedewerkers in de service encounter. Management & Organisatie, 58(6), 21-42. pdf
Contributions to Books
Lössbroek, J, Schippers, J., Lancee, B. and Szucs, S. (2019). Which older workers participate in which personnel policies? In Van der Lippe, T. and Lippenyi, Z. (Eds.) Investments in a sustainable workforce in Europe, pp. 98-111. New York: Routledge. pdf
Sarrasin, O., Kuhn, T. and Lancee, B. (2018). What explains increasing Euroscepticism in Switzerland? A longitudinal analysis. In: Tillmann, R. Voorpostel, M. and Farrago, P. (eds) (2018). Social dynamics in Swiss society. Life Course Research and Social Policies 9, pp. 203-214. New York: Springer.pdf
Lancee, B. (2017). Diversity, trust and social cohesion. In: Trust at risk. Implications for EU policies and institutions, pp.167-175. Brussels: European Commission, DG for Research and Innovation. pdf
Lancee, B., Gesthuizen, M. and Van de Werfhorst, H.G.(2015). Opleidingsverschillen in opvattingen over economische ongelijkheid in Nederland tussen 1975 en 2008. In Van de Werfhorst, H. (ed.) (2015). Een kloof van alle tijden, pp. 195-215. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.pdf
Lancee, B. and Schaeffer, M.(2015). Moving to diversity. Residential mobility, changes in ethnic diversity and concern about immigration. In Koopmans, R., Lancee, B. and Schaeffer, M. (eds.) (2015). Social cohesion and Immigration in Europe and North America. Mechanisms, conditions and causality, pp.38-55. New York / London: Routledge pdf
Salverda, W., De Graaf-Zijl, M. Haas, C, Lancee, B. and Notten, N.(2014). The Netherlands: Policy-enhanced inequalities tempered by household formation. In B. Nolan et al. (eds.), Changing inequalities and societal impacts in rich countries: Thirty countries’ experiences, pp. 459-487. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lancee, B. (2013). Social capital and labor-market outcomes for immigrants. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Vol. 5, pp. 2777-2780. New York: Wiley – Blackwell. pdf
Lancee, B. and Dronkers, J. (2010). Ethnic diversity in neighborhoods and individual trust of immigrants and natives: A replication of Putnam (2007) in a West-European country. In: Marc Hooghe (ed.), Social Cohesion. Contemporary Theoretical Perspectives on the Study of Social Cohesion and Social Capital. Brussels: Royal Academy of Belgium, pp. 77-103. pdf
Van der Wurff, R., Lauf, E. and Lancee, B. (2004). Online news services in the Netherlands. In Salaverría, R. and Sádaba, C. (eds.), Towards New Media Paradigms, pp. 865-887. Pamplona: Eunate.
Van der Veer, C.G. and Lancee, B. (2000). Een blik op Wetenschap- en Techniekcommunicatie. Een onderzoek naar effecten van decentralisatie van de publiciteitscampagne en de samenwerking van participanten rondom de Wetenschap en Techniek Week 2000. Amsterdam: Stichting Culturele Studies.
Data Collection
Soiné, H. Lancee, B. (2025). Replication Data for: Diverging Ethnic Hierarchies? Cultural Distance, Right-Wing Authoritarianism, and Social Distance Perceptions in the Netherlands., DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2.
Lancee, B. Sachs, T. and K. Stückradt (2024). Human Resources, Hiring and Discrimination (HHD),, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V2
B Lancee; G.E. Birkelund; M Coenders; V Di Stasio; M Fernández Reino; A Heath; R Koopmans; E.N. Larsen; J Polavieja; M Ramos; L Thijssen; S Veit; R Yemane (2021) The GEMM Study: A Cross-National Harmonized Field Experiment on Hiring Discrimination”,, DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities, V1.
Lancee, B., Birkelund, G., Coenders, M., Di Stasio, V., Fernández Reino, M., Heath, A., Koopmans, R., Larsen, E., Polavieja, J., Ramos, M., Soiné, H., Thijssen, L., Veit, S., & Yemane, R.(2019). The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination -Codebook. pdf
Lancee, B., Birkelund, G., Coenders, M., Di Stasio, V., Fernández Reino, M., Heath, A., Koopmans, R., Larsen, E., Polavieja, J., Ramos, M., Thijssen, L., Veit, S., Yemane, R. and Zwier, D..(2019). The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination -Technical report. pdf
Lössbroek, J., Lancee, B., Van der Lippe, T. and Schippers, J. (2022). Leeftijdsdiscriminatie bij sollicitaties: een vignette-experiment onder managers in negen Europese landen. Mens en maatschappij, 97(4), 87-89. pdf
Di Stasio, V., and Lancee, B. (2020). Waarom discrimineren werkgevers, waar en tegen wie? Bevindingen uit het GEMM-project. Mens en maatschappij, 95(4), 391-396. pdf
Lancee, B. (2010). The economic returns of immigrants’ bonding and bridging social capital. [PhD thesis]. Florence: European University Institute.
Dronkers, J. and Lancee, B. (2009). Aandacht voor de Putnam-hypothese is in het geheel niet overdreven. [Research attention for the Putnam-hypothesis is not at all exaggerated] Migrantenstudies 25(2), 155-162. pdf
Contributions to the Public Debate
Radl, J and Lancee, B. (4 November 2021). Young men are disadvantaged when applying to female jobs/ Mannelijke sollicitanten minder kansrijk bij ‘vrouwenberoepen/ Junge Männer bei Frauenberufen im Nachteil. Press release. 21 Articles; a.o. in Parool, Folia, Linda Nieuws, Der Spiegel, Deutschlandfunk, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stern. NL, ENG, GER</a
Lancee, B. (July 2019). Gediscrimineerde sollicitant kan weinig doen om baankans te vergroten. (Press release). Articles/items in NOS 8 uur Journaal, RTL Nieuws, BNR Nieuws Radio, NOS Radio, Trouw, Algemeen Dagblad, Parool, Financieel Dagblad, Nederlands Dagblad, AT5, WNL Omroep. pdf</a
Lancee, B. (2013). Ängste, die Abwehr auslösen Wer den Job verliert, neigt eher zu migranten- feindlichen Einstellungen. WZB-Mitteilungen, no. 142, pp. 16-17. pdf
Lancee, B. Radio 1, Villa VPRO. Theme-broadcast Germany, 19-9-2013, 15:30-16:30
Dronkers, J. and Lancee, B. (2008). “De kwestie: helpt de middenklasse?” [Debate: Can the middle class improve poor neighbourhoods?]. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken, no. 9 (September), pp.22-23.
Lancee, B. and Dronkers, J. (2008). ‘Bij etnische mix kruipen mensen in hun schulp. Geen vertrouwen in de wijk’, [Ethnic diversity promotes ‘hunkering down’. No trust in the neighbourhood]. NRC Handelsblad, May 14th, p.7 pdf